Class: Necromancer
Preferred races: Human, dark-elf and sometimes dwarf and undead.
Preferred weapons: Claws and seldomly long swords.
Background: Trained for many centuries to perfect their dark art, necromancers can live hundreds of years at a time since they have unlocked a spell of aging during their studies, at least the adept have. Necromancers have developed dark powers beyond most casters, able to summon udead, demons and even fallen angels if the requirements are met. Using their dark powers to even cast energy of extremely vile elements some can cause from the mildest, nightmares to instant death. Necromancers are pure evil none are exceptions since their powers stem from the very pits of Hell itself.
Special: Summon lesser undead- Using their blood for this ritual, a necromancer may summon a horde of undead zombies just by chanting and dropping its blood on the ground.
Nightmare Lash- All it takes is a still mind, once the necromancer's mind becomes empty of all thought he or she will be able to send waves of dark energy to pierce into weaker minds causing horrific nightmares to follow, however if this is interrupted it will cause the necromancer stop responding to anything for a few moments making him vulnerable.
Summon demon- Using a human sacrifice to complete such a ritual, the necromancer may summon a demon from the pits of the Underworld. After this is complete, the necromancer may command this being for a short amount of time, depending on the extent of the ritual depends on the demon's power and lasting time before it must return to the depths.
Death's Opening- Using energy from the depths of the Underworld, a necromancer is able to drain the very soul from a person, trasferring the soul inside the necromancer to make himself more powerful. However, this takes hours of preparations before being used and can only be used a few times depending on the skill of the caster.
PS (Powerful Special)Summon Fallen Angel- Using the very essence of his soul, a necromancer may summon a fallen angel, it's power is overwhelming and unmatched able to destroy a capital with the snap of its fingers, but last for a period of time after which the user faints into a coma for weeks at a time so this move must be used as a last resort.